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Child Education

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Early childhood education is considered to be the period of school life in which children aged between 0 and 6 years are pedagogically assisted, and it is at this stage of life that children most need attention and care for the formation of children. your personality. For this reason, the Rosario Passionist College maintains a highly specialized team and offers ample space for the development of various physical and recreational activities, emphasizing social interaction. It is a fact that the early stimulation of children contributes a lot to their future learning, developing their motor skills, affective and relationship, making the child gain autonomy and grow socially.
In Brazil, the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education calls the educational equipment that serves children from 4 to 6 years old is called Preschool, where in the Passionist Rosary College is available two modality, MATERNAL and Preschool, where children They are stimulated through play activities and games to exercise their skills, make discoveries, and initiate the literacy process.
Early childhood education has proved to be paramount for affective learning. It socializes, develops skills, improves future school performance, and is the foundation for the other school phases.

System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College Rosário
Rua Do Rosário (R. Francisco Busato), 54 - Centro Colombo - PR
CEP 83414-240
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo