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Você esqueceu como se logar?
Para o acesso do Educando, utilize o Número de Matrícula como Usuário e a Senha cadastrada, ou a data de nascimento (ddmmaaaa). Para o acesso de Pai/Mãe/Responsável, utilize o CPF (sem pontos ou traços) como Usuário e a Senha cadastrada, ou a data de nascimento (ddmmaaaa). Resgatar Senha


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Psychopedagogical Accompaniment
It is the body responsible for verifying, analyzing, guiding and developing specific methods and procedures for meeting learning difficulties.
Informatics Coordination
Computer science, understood as a science for the treatment of information, seeks to demystify the computer in education, which should be seen as another didactic instrument, capable of developing in students specific skills to deal with information.
Pedagogical Orientation
Aims and acts in the organization of pedagogical work, with the task of guiding and evaluating the development of all programming, directly influencing the group of educators causing the exchange of experiences and better educational achievement.
Religious Orientation
This service is the "soul" of the educational process, based on Passionist Pedagogy. It is through him that all religious animation of the Passionist Educational Community is made, raising awareness and deepening the principles of Christian faith.
Social integration
It is the body responsible for the integration of the student to social life, the cultivation of order, tranquility and compliance with internal disciplinary rules.
System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College Rosário
Rua Do Rosário (R. Francisco Busato), 54 - Centro Colombo - PR
CEP 83414-240
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo