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Our mission and commitment is to educate and assist the human being, based on ethical and Christian values. This is the Passionist ideology for a full and committed realization of a solidary society.
We educate for life and for it to be happy and responsible!
At Passionista Rosario College, in addition to pedagogical development, we also seek the development of spirit, ethics, human and Christian values. Not forgetting the development of technology and science.
Our choice is for a multidimensional formation, encompassing the cognitive and the affective, with a harmonious relationship with oneself, with others, with nature and with God.
At Passionista Rosario College, the experiences go beyond the classroom and the basic subjects. Our teaching is based on the 4 pillars of education: learning to be, learning to live with, learning to learn and learning to do.
Come visit us and learn more about our pedagogical proposal!
We wait for you...
"To teach is not to transfer knowledge, but to create the possibilities for its own production or construction." - Paulo Freire

System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College Rosário
Rua Do Rosário (R. Francisco Busato), 54 - Centro Colombo - PR
CEP 83414-240
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo