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It is a space where exuberant nature, through a large green area, with crystalline sources, favors our ecological project and where our students live, practice and develop the "preserving" consciousness through the study, reflection and appreciation of the environment.
This extensive green area, 196,000 m2, in the municipality of Mairiporã, 25 km from the CPSPC, with lake, paddle boats, fields, animals, is also a place of leisure for our Educational Community, which can enjoy the swimming pool, games room, stretching on training days, camping, gym, parties and group tours.
Recanto Paulo da Cruz, as a Center for Environmental Education, aims, in a highly expressive way, to complement the training of our students, with tracks scientifically designed for studies.
Holcim, a Swiss company with a branch in Mairiporã, is already sponsoring, together with Passionist College São Paulo da Cruz, our Environmental Education project in the PRC.
The Theater on the Trail, is a project where the students of the municipal schools experience the importance that Mairiporã has, highlighting the value of existing species, its preservation, aiming at sustainable development in our city.
We have a group of monitors and actors from the NGO Educológico (Student Group in defense of Life, formed by the students of the CPSPC), who is clarifying doubts during the course of the trail, in a playful way, with interventions and theater.

System Brasília
Mãe da Sta. Esperança
Passionista College Rosário
Rua Do Rosário (R. Francisco Busato), 54 - Centro Colombo - PR
CEP 83414-240
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo